Balkan Dance Cabal

Balkan Dance Cabal

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  3. Balkan Dance Cabal
Repeats: Twice monthly
Meets: Monday, 7:30 to 9:30 PM.
Livestream Repeats: Twice monthly online, every 3 weeks
Livestream Meets: Monday, 7:30 to 9:30 PM.
Meeting ID: Email to RSVP

“Plotting to attain the sublime through the joyful mastery of dance.”

The Balkan Dance Cabal encourages participation of all dancers who aspire to master a variety of challenging and inspiring dances in a supportive and friendly environment. We aim to teach and dance both intermediate and advanced Balkan dances. As always, we will try and keep the class flexible and responsive to dancers’ needs and wants. Please suggest dances that you would like taught or reviewed, or are just hankering to do.

COVID policy:

  • We are requiring vaccination, including 1 or more boosters; please provide evidence if you are attending Balkan Dance Cabal for the first time in 2022.
  • Also, masks required (N95/KN95/KF94 not required but recommended).
  • Ashkenaz has installed an air purifier in the Back Studio, and there is a working ventilation system as well.
  • Please bring your own water bottle.
Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center, 1317 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, California, USA 94702

In the Back Studio

Contact Information
Contact: Nadav Nur
Phone: 510-524-3611

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