East Bay Folk Dancers

East Bay Folk Dancers

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Repeats: Weekly
Meets: Fridays 7:30-10pm

East Bay Folk Dancers mainly enjoy Balkan folk dances, but the repertoire extends as well to Israel, Greece, Hungary, Turkey, Armenia, and Albania, with frequent forays beyond.

The dances played are entirely by request, so if you have dances you would like to do, just come with their names. The evening begins with simple dances that all can do, but includes intermediate and advanced dances later on. We are always ready to help newcomers pick out requests they might enjoy, and guide them in learning dances.

East Bay Folk Dancers is a dedicated and welcoming dance community with an unbroken history since meeting for dance on the lawn on the UC Berkeley campus in the early 1960s. East Bay Folk Dancers is organized as a collective without specific leaders.

The cost is $5, with your first night free.

Dancers are requested to wear N95 grade masks and for their first night they will need to show that they have been vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19.

At present there is no teaching, but it may start up again at some point. You might want to get on our weekly mailing list, which announces special upcoming events as well as the very occasional Friday that the Veterans Hall is not available to us.

Veterans Memorial Hall, 401 Highland Ave, Piedmont, California, USA 94611

Bank of America is on the corner of the Veterans Memorial Hall and just south on Vista beside Mulberry Market is a small lot you can park in. Our side entrance is located next door to a fire station, at the corner of Vista Avenue and Highland Avenue.

Contact Information
Contact: Lenny Talmy

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